A Little Success Story

(A practical story to help you learn)


Welcome from Albie Derbyshire & Elizabeta Kuzevska



Hi Albie here.



Have you ever heard: if you want to have success,
follow someone who's had some?


With that I want to wish a big congratulations to our newest
member Gary Furguson, to also to Alex Kay for all her hard work
advertising and setting the ground work for Gary to join us.
Also to ALL of you who are reading and who want to create
some success online also. This email is for you. 


Here's why:  


Alex worked hard to get a new member in the Prosperity Marketing
System today.

This is the documentation of how she did it,
so you can follow her same example: 


She first of all she hit close to a thousand hits (996) to her web pages
we made her (which is always what we advise our team to go after).

You can see her hits on these two next pics: 


pic one: 


pic two: 




She then got 18 subscribers from these 996 hits. This turned
into two tour takers and one student.

Here's a pic of her subscribers. Congrats Alex for building your list! 



Each subscriber she got, we let her know which page had converted
into a subscriber and encouraged her to email them back.

She did this. We also wrote to them too, to help her.

These emails turned into a response by Gary and after a few emails
back and forth turned into him wanting to join us!

Thank you Gary for your trust. :)


?You can see the 18 people who saw Alex's welcome "sales" page: 




The sales page was not effective in this case (and often sales pages
only have a small chance of success). 

But what is effective is "know, like and trust" and this is created by
building an email list and building relationships with people. 



I want to encourage you that the same thing can happen for you!

Give yourself the same focus and time to build your business and to
reach out to your new subscribers.

Even understand that Alex's time is very limited and worked hard
in her spare time to make this happen.

And you can do the same.

Realize that luck has a part to play in this too, but like I always say,
you can tip luck in your favor by your hard work. :) 


If your reading this and haven't joined our team, please reach out
and reply back

If you simply need encouragement and support or our training link,
 reply back also. 


Talk soon! 






0 Results...Here's Why:

Join Us! We'll help you!

~Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire

Have Questions?
Connect with us at EliAlbie67@gmail.com

We're here to help you! 

Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692



Created byAlbie Derbyshire 2020